Dear Fellow Historic Home Owner:
I am very happy to report that we had a major victory in our recent Article 78/Declaratory Judgment filing challenging the Historic Building Preservation Law. Attached please find a copy of the decision rendered by the Judge.
Effectively the Judge granted our petition and ordered the Town Board to hold individual hearings on each of the properties that the Town wants to subject to the historic building preservation regulations. A question remains before the Court as to whether the Law is unconstitutional.
It is up to the Town Board as to what it would like to do at this point. When the Town makes its decision as to how to proceed I will keep you informed.
Camillo Santomero
download decision here – December decision
Court Filings
Original Suit Filed by Denise and Camillo Santomero
Response by the Town of Bedford
Response by Denise and Camillo Santomero
Response by the Town of Bedford
Affidavit by Jon Stockbridge Chairperson of the Historic Building Preservation Commission