Mayor Picinich Response to Morrow Email

I’m reaching out regarding an email sent by Vince Morrow. Vince, I have included you on this message so that you can have a full view of what Mount Kisco’s Town/Village government is working to achieve.

Mount Kisco has undertaken a Comprehensive Plan process (details at  As part of this process, we are evaluating zoning changes that would allow residential dwellings in our business district. I’m including a link to the DGEIS  which outlines impacts and mitigation with reference to the proposed zoning changes.

I direct your attention to pages 87-91. Data in this section demonstrates that Transit Oriented Development, as proposed in our downtown, will generate approximately 15-20 school-age children. Estimate cost to educate these students is $591,860 while the estimated recurring annual school taxes is $1.24 million. This would more than compensate for the additional students.

By populating our downtown, we put people in the same location as the businesses. This provides greater opportunity for our businesses to thrive. When businesses are successful, it is more difficult for commercial property owners to make viable cases for tax certiorari. This is a win-win strategy for all; profitable businesses results in fewer reductions in taxable value.

Opportunities for increased school tax revenue are reflected in other proposed zoning changes. Permitting Senior Enhanced Living in the Radio Circle area would allow more seniors to stay in our community while increasing the value of some currently vacant property yet not generate additional school children. Another potential zoning change would allow townhouses in some areas on Lexington Avenue. We seek to encourage redevelopment of existing residences. All would increase taxable value in Mount Kisco.

As we set the path forward for our village, we are mindful of our responsibility and our commitment to our school district. As such, the Village is focused on creating opportunities to increase the market and assessed values of our community with minimum impact on our schools. We seek to increase revenue and minimize expense. Growing and strengthening the value of our village benefits every tax payer in the BCSD.

Positioning our communities against each other is of benefit to no one, least of all our students. As our partners in the BCSD, I hope this provides a more complete view of Mount Kisco’s proposed Comprehensive Plan and associated zoning changes. I am happy to discuss in more detail for those who are interested.

With Gratitude,



Gina D. Picinich
